Directions to Wainwright FieldsGary L Maietta Way, South Portland, ME 04106 South Portland, Maine 207-767-7650 From the North: South on 295 Take Exit 4 - The sign reads: Rt. 1 South - Main St. 1/2 mile After you get off the ramp - take a left toward Rt. 77 and Lincoln St./Knightville There will be a 4 way stop within 2/10 of a mile Go straight through this intersection Go 6/10 of a mile to the next traffic light - auto parts store in front of you. Turn left at this light - get into the right lane. At the next light - Amato's will be in front of you. Turn Right onto Evans St. Go to the end of Evans St. and turn right onto Highland Avenue. Go about 1.5 miles on Highland Ave – you will see a green sign “Recreation Complex ahead” Turn right onto GARY MAIETTA Drive. From the South or North on Maine Turnpike: Come into Maine on the Maine Turnpike Take exit 45 (formerly exit 7) Go through the toll and to the end of the road - you'll be intersecting Rt. 1 Governor's Restaurant will be in front of you Turn left - you'll come to an intersection where Dairy Queen will be on your left You should be in the right hand lane Bear right at this light - keeping Willows Restaurant on your immediate right Proceed to 2nd traffic light - Amato's will be in front of you (about 8/10 of a mile from DQ) Turn Right onto Evans Go to the end of Evans St. and turn right onto Highland Avenue Go about 1.5 miles on Highland Ave – you will see a green sign “Recreation Complex Ahead” Turn right onto GARY MAIETTA Drive. There is also a large sign that says Pine Wood Condo |